Monday, May 21, 2007

Submitting to Leadership

Pastor Koo spoke about this in 1 Corinthians SOD class today, and it spoke to me again.

Sometimes we may disagree with our church leaders. I know I have. The question arises: Why should we do something we disagree with? For all you know, the leader might be wrong?

The answer to this is simple:
The leader CAN be wrong! Because we aren't perfect, leaders have every possibility and right to be wrong. However, as a subordinate of a leader, it is my job, serving in the ministry, to submit ot leadership.

God says in His Word that every authority on Earth and in Heaven has ben instituted by God. This means that bosses, governments, church leaders, parents etc have all been chosen by God. If we disobey them, we disobey God. Unless obeying them results in direct contravention of God's law, we should submit.

If the leader is doing wrong in the Lord's eyes, it is not your say to punish him/her. Rest assured, God is in control of the situation and will deal with it accordingly. Many mighty men of God have fallen under discipline from God.

God is always in control.

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