Thursday, June 09, 2005

Army Fitness System

My Comd now has me on board this exciting new initiative to evaluate and improve army fitness through optimal effort. Just sat through a three-hour meeting but emerged enthralled and perhaps rejuvenated that there perhaps is still some initiative and pro-activeness left in me. Perhaps it all boils down to the significance of what I am doing now and the fact that he trusts me to accomplish things working hand-in-hand with him. I respect him for his ideologies in getting work done and how he analyses problems and picks out the crux of the matter. I can learn problem identifying and solving from him. Perhaps the last four months of my NS liability will turn out to be the most productive. I appreciate the effort some people are putting in making the SAF a more efficient organisation, and not jsut working because it pays the bills. The motivation for the work you do is just as important as the tools you employ to achieve your goal. I hope to glean as much from him as I can in the little time I have left. All the same, I hope he doesn't stay back too late. =]

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