Friday, July 09, 2004

Stepping Off the Bridge (8 July 2004)

COntinuing from yesterday, today's devotional touches on independence from conventional safety lines.

Do you have confidence in God? If you do, step out into the water in faith. When you face the truth about yourself you ultimately pave the way to discovering the truth about God. The next time you face a situation that causes you to question God's purposes, do not merely accept it: Ask God why. Allow God to speak to you, and allow yourself to depend on His strength. Once again, it is better to analogise at this point, but I promise not to go into anything too slimy this time.

Imagine yourself standing on the railing of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge facing Marina East and beyond. Let's dramatise this and assume Marina Bay is infested with sharks that have been fasting for days. If you jump, you'll be dead before you hit the water. yes the sharks are probablt Christian since they're fasting at this time, but all that means is that they'll say grace before devouring you.

Marina Bay, then, represents the emotion or problem that you don't want to face, or God's prompting you don't want to follow. You know what I mean.

The bridge represents the earthly assurance you hold on to, be it your job, money, or even your status.

Look down to your feet. Attached firmly around your ankles is a bungee rope. For thos averse to heights, this analogy will be more real to you.

Here we go:
You know the rope is safe, and is securely affixed to you. But there's no way of knowing how safe it is till you step off the bridge.
The rope represents God's love and is held in His hands. Right now the rope hangs limp, because you are supported by the bridge, not the rope.

What I'm trying to say is:
Experience the power of God's delivereance and trust in Him to uphold you in the presence of your insecurities.

Step off the bridge and live boldly for Christ! Amen?

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